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5 Things I Didn’t Know Before Going Natural
Going natural is no easy task--it wasn’t easy for me, and it probably won’t be easy for you. Being healthy in all respects is so necessary, and that includes having a healthy head of hair. Ridding your hair of harmful chemicals, heat…

Naturalista to Hairlista: 6 Amazing Tips for Healthy Relaxed Hair
I was natural for 24 years and then decided that I wanted a change and on a whim I relaxed my hair. It was such a freeing experience, not because my hair was now relaxed, but because I realized that I was not bound anymore by anyone's expectations…

5 Tips & Tricks for a Great Looking Weave!
Last month, as I was sitting down for my monthly weave in with my sister, who happens to be a weave expert. We started chatting about weaves, and how difficult it can be for woman of color to maintain great looking hair. Especially weaves.

Go Natural Or Go Home
The trend to go natural has gone viral. Women rocking natural hair feel successful; women wanting to rock natural hair feel motivated and ambitious. In hopes to find and embrace a wholesome and complete image of a black woman that does not apologize…

Breaking News: I Know Nothing About My Hair
In my first year of university I went natural and became obsessed with black women's hair. I watched all the youtube videos I possibly could and read all the articles I could find all online. I thought I knew something about black women's hair.…

My Natural Hair Journey
With big hair comes big responsibility. The weight of the curls brushing against me was too heavy a burden for my shoulders to bear. My natural hair journey is one filled with ups and downs--disappointments that shook my self-esteem to the…

My Heat Damage Diary
As much as I love my natural hair, sometimes I just feel like telling shrinkage to eat it and go back to straightening my hair. The problem is that for most curly haired women, regularly applying heat can be very damaging to our hair.

A Head Full of Wool: The History of Black Hair in North America
Where did the story of black hair begin? Too often we begin black people's story with slavery - when we know full well that the African story began in Africa.
Before Slavery
Early in the fifteenth century, African hair was a distinct form…