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What are Corn Rows?
Corn rows, Boxer Braids, or KKW Braids? Technically, all three are the same thing. However, when it comes to black hair, there is a tendency to rename styles that have not only been around for centuries, but styles like corn rows have cultural…
Is no poo for you? When eliminating shampoo is the right choice.
The no poo movement is about removing any application of external chemicals from your cleansing routine. In this context, aside from shampoo, it also includes the elimination of conditioner.
The belief is that man-made chemicals are a form…
What is Natural Hair?
Everyone you ask will have a different answer to “what is natural hair?” To some, being natural just means wearing your natural curly hair. To others, it is an elite community and a complete lifestyle change. No matter how you define it,…
Unraveled: All You Need to Know About Curl Definers
If there’s one thing girls with curly hair dream of, it’s hair that slays and curls that pop.
But as us natural girls know, our hair sometimes pops in the all the wrong places with frizz, split ends and annoying knots getting in the…
What are Hair Twists?
Black hair has gone through many cultural shifts and evolutions over the years but it continues to be a symbol of our identity and a response to the culture around us. In the 80’s and 90’s a rising cultural awareness of black power and…
Protective Styling: Taking A Break from Breakage
It seems that human beings, universally, are in a battle for control. Whether it’s control of your time, control of your beliefs, control of your wallet, or just control of the remote, we want it!
The best thing you can ever do for someone…
What is Wash Day
Wash day today for attention-getting hair tomorrow
Ahhhhhh wash day. The day we black women set aside to treat, clean and groom our locks. For some, the wash day ritual is a trip to the salon, where you gather with friends, discuss life’s…
L.O.I.S. Hair Typing: Beautiful Black Hair Simplified
As black women, our hair is either our triumph or our tragedy. There is rarely a viewpoint that involves complacency or settling. We want the best and we deserve it.
There are three main hair typing systems in use today:
the Andre Walker…
FIA Hair Typing For Identifying Your Tresses
Of all the hair typing systems in use today, there’s one thing they all have in common. Four broad categories of curl pattern:
curly, and
very curly or coily, also called kinky.
There are three mainstream classification…
Andre Walker Hair System: Hair Type or Hair Hype?
Will Knowing Your Hair Type Really Give You Happily-Ever-After Hair Days?
Have you ever been fortunate enough to have experienced the effects of a hair genius? I assure you, if you’ve had a hair genius work on your hair, you know it.
Dry Shampoo – Our Product picks for Black Hair
Dry Shampoo is now being used by stylists and consumers alike and the market is flooded with different types and brands.
So to make it easier for you, here are a number of dry shampoo products specifically formulated for black hair:
Is Dry Shampoo your thing? Here’s the low-down on this water-free option.
In an earlier article, we explained what dry shampoo is. Now we want to help you decide when to use it.
Whatever your hair type, here are a few reasons to choose dry shampoo over the more typical suds and soap hair cleaning process.
Dry Shampoo - Your Secret Water-free Weapon
Have you ever heard of dry shampoo? Truth is, many of us haven’t. When you think of shampoo, you think about getting your hair wet right? Well it seems that black hair beauty experts use dry shampoo every day for hair blow-outs.…
Top 10 Curl Definers for Natural Hair
Curl definers are a great way to bring out your hair’s natural texture and curl pattern. The best curl definers are those that moisturize your hair while adding shine and taming fly-a-ways. There are a ton of products out there for you to…
What is the LOC Method?
The LOC Method: Everything You Need to Know
For some of us kinky-curly beauties, maintaining moisturized hair can feel like a relationship that just isn’t working - we end up frustrated and our tresses thirsty for a lot more TLC. Which is…