Tessa Thompson is the cutest thing in the West at the 2017 Emmys
Tessa Thompson hair style review by Black Hair Spot

(Photo Source: http://www.justjared.com/photo-gallery/3959128/tessa-thompson-angela-sarafyan-emmys-2017-05/)
Sometimes you dress for the show and sometimes your hair dictates your choice of dress. We think the latter was the case for the modern, chique look of Tessa Thompson, from the Emmy-nominated show “Westworld. But we only have eyes for her hair. Tessa’s sleek, straight do is cut at a youthful chin length and tucked, oh-so-cutely, behind the ears. Flipped over a side part with a slight poof of the bangs that matches her shapely aquiline face, Tessa’s hair has our nomination.
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