Here’s What We Know For Sure
Black Hair is beautiful. Black hair is complicated and varied and needs a whole lot of moisture. We all have a relationship with our hair, but every person’s experience is different.
Black Hair Spot exists to bring all of us who interact with Black Hair together to discuss our triumphs and frustrations. Black Hair Spot exists to create a community. We want to help you know, love, and style your hair.
Knowing and understanding black hair is the first and most important step. When you understand what your hair needs and how it works, you will be much more successful at coaxing it into your desired look. We are diligently working to create a hair typing guide for you, as learning about the fundamentals of your hair is the first step in understanding your hair.!
Loving black hair is the next step in a healthy relationship with your hair. You may think that if it were longer or less curly you would love it. You may think that when your dreads grow or when you find the right weave or when your hair is honey brown you will stare in the mirror with adoration. It’s not true. Practice appreciating your hair right now, the way it is – or you will never be satisfied with the way your hair looks.
Styling black hair is no easy feat. We totally understand that. That’s why we have a plethora of how-to articles and styling videos to make sure you look fly. Every day.
Practice appreciating your hair right now, the way it is #bhs #blackhairmatters Share on X